The most influential people in freight transportation read Transport Topics.
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Transport Topics seeks to provide the information that will empower good decision making. When it comes to major issues, industry events, and new developments, Transport Topics journalists are there first and most often so that our readers are more aware of all aspects of the business of trucking and, therefore, better prepared for what's to come.
“A quote stating why this conference will be great to atend and how it will help your business.”
“A quote stating why this conference will be great to atend and how it will help your business.”
“A quote stating why this conference will be great to atend and how it will help yo.”
We're located at 950 N. Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22203
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© Copyright 2023 Transport Topics
All talks will be held at the Granville headquarters at Madison 36th, New York City.
What fits in this section? Is it commentary from different people in the industry? Or is it cooler to showcase some of what we're working on? What we've been up to? Or is it ways to engage with us -- find out about advertising, subscriptions, or write a letter to an editor?
Here, I'm thinking that we might feature "some" of our team. Not sure we showcase "top folks." So, do a new version of a hi video with Seth, one with Eugene, with Gary, with Joe Howard, with Sue, and with Christie and rotate who we show.
What works here? Is this a means to get our "Inside TT" bit?
Publisher's Message
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With an unrivaled bench of editorial talent, Transport Topics’ role as the industry’s “go-to” source of breaking news, award-winning reporting, and insightful analysis is more important than ever. And as our suite of editorial products continues to grow, so do opportunities for our brand partners to tell their stories and reach our executive readership.
From the flagship weekly print edition, to our weekly digital edition, e-newsletters, smart speaker daily news briefs, and the RoadSigns podcast, this mix of multimedia platforms offer a broad mix of ways to reach key audiences.
No other media outlet reaches as many decision makers in the trucking and logistics arena as Transport Topics, or has as loyal an audience. We invite you to say hello to us each and every day.
"Aiming to always inform about the agenda in Congress and national institutions, the reporting featured in Transport Topics will ideally educate and inspire committed industry leaders pursuing their objectives."
"We’re here to give you the most trusted perspectives from the leading voices in logistics that shape business and to provide the latest in fleet management from workforce development to repair and maintenance."
"More than ever before, fleet operators and logistics providers rely on technology to improve their businesses and adapt to ever-changing freight market conditions. Looking ahead, the latest advances in artificial intelligence, automated driving, connected vehicles and cleaner powertrains all point to a future when trucking is safer, greener and more productive than it is today."
Executive Editor
News never stops. Our #1 goal is to keep our readers connected to the stories that impact their business and help them make bright decisions. If you have just 60 seconds, we can deliver the latest news related to the supply chain, freight transportation, and what's next for the long haul. Tune into the new 60-second video series.
Thank you for taking the time to stop and say hello.
With an unrivaled bench of editorial talent, Transport Topics’ role as the industry’s “go-to” source of breaking news, award-winning reporting, and insightful analysis is more important than ever.
No other media outlet reaches as many decision makers in the trucking and logistics arena as Transport Topics, or has as loyal an audience.
Scroll to find out why.
News never stops. Our #1 goal is to keep our readers connected to the stories that impact their business and help them make bright decisions. Right now, that means keeping up with the industry's biggest influencers. Catch our latest episode in our new program, Newsmakers.
Transport Topics seeks to provide the information that will empower good decision making. When it comes to major issues, industry events, and new developments, Transport Topics journalists are there first and most often so that our readers are more aware of all aspects of the business of trucking and, therefore, better prepared for what's to come.